Regency Photos

White's Club is still one of the most exclusive gentleman's clubs in London. The bow window (added after the time the Beau Brummell Mystery Series is set) was where Brummell held court.

A Girl with a Kitten, by Jean-Baptiste Perronneau, 1745.This is the painting lost by Brummell in Death on a Silver Tray.

Almack's in King Street. As Luttrell wrote,"But banished thence on Wednesday night By Jove, you can do nothing right."

Beau Brummell obtains his sedan chair in Death on a Silver Tray. Though his looks a little different than this one, you can get a general idea of these wonderful conveyances. Poles were inserted into the black brackets on the sides of the chair. Two strong men, fore and aft, carried the occupant about in elegance. This particular chair is on display in The Pump Room, Bath.